Hackathon Goals

keep motivated during lockdown

a picture of Morgan Decker

In this hackathon, we were set a task from SaaS to develop a solution for how to keep people motivated during lockdown. Our team consisted of gamers, so we wanted to find a way to create some sort of game which involved completing real-life tasks.

We created a webapp called “Goals” (using Django). The idea behind goals is that a user has a profile level which they can level up by achieving goals they want to accomplish over lockdown. When a user creates an account, they can create tasks for themselves and assign how many points they would earn for completing that task. Points are then earned by the user completing those tasks and ticking they have accomplished these tasks in goals. As they complete tasks, their profile will gain points. If enough points are earned, the profile will level up. Getting to higher levels requires higher amounts of points. Users can also see analytics for how productive they are over the week.

At the end of the hackathon, I produced and delivered a presentation explaining our implementation, development process, and technologies used. I then performed a demonstration of how to make an account in goals as well as how a user could use it. There were no rankings in this hackathon, but our project was well received.