Classroom Assistant

Automating the classroom

a picture of Morgan Decker

The idea behind this project is to provide teachers with extra support and to reduce the amount of time spent in class by automating repetitive tasks. Examples of tasks which can be automated are attendance tracking, homework checking, and automatically detecting students as late.

Firstly, the program is launched when someone is detected walking into the classroom. It does this through two infrared motion sensors connected to a raspberry pi. If the sensor closest to the door detects motion followed by the one further away, we can infer that someone has walked into the room.

From here, the camera launches with OpenCV to scan a QR code. When the QR code is scanned, it looks through an SQLite database to see if it can match the QR code to a person in the database. From here, different screens are bought up depending on if the user’s QR code is a student, teacher, or administrator.

If the QR code is a student and a class is about to start, it will automatically register their attendance and ask if they have done their homework. If they have not, they will automatically be assigned the necessary discipline set by the teacher (in the case of the alevel project demonstration, assigned detention on the database). Teachers can create homework and set punishments for being late. Administrators have full database control.

This project generated interest within my school. Some departments requested the use of the assistant as it would help teachers run their lessons. Furthermore, the computing department received more funding to buy raspberry pis. This inspired students to use peripherals in their projects, and to create projects which solve real problems. The classroom assistant is now an A* exemplar project. I can send a dissertation paper upon request that details the development process, research, design, and obstacles faced.