Hello, I'm Morgan Decker

Software Developer

a picture of Morgan Decker

My Interests


I am interested in working in the technology function of a financial services comapny due to my strong numerical problem solving skills on top of the wide range of sectors which the financial sector infuences. I have gained experience through attending insight weeks held by companies concerned with investment banking. I also keep up with the stock market in my spare time.

Data Analysis

After contributing to a PHD project in computational neuroscience, I have fallen in love with data analysis. I am interested in data analysis due to the wide range of sub-topics and applications, both technical and non technical. I love to find relationships between variables and make deductions on why people or systems behave the way they do numerically. In my free time, I take a machine learning crash course created by google.


Although I do not have practical experience, this is an area I enjoy persuing in my spare time. I have written a research paper as part of my EPQ on the history of ethical hacking, as well as delivered a 30 minute presentation of the field. Furthermore, I enjoy finding vunrabilties in websites (legally).

Game Development

Recently, I have been involved with multiple 2D game development projects. Unfortunatly, most of my work is under NDA, but I would love to have an opportunity to explore the games development industry in a commercial setting Gaming is one of my main hobbys. I have played rocket league at a regional level, winning both in person and online tournaments. Due to my many years of Experience, I not only am passionate about the field, but also have a strong grasp of the gaming community.

Technology Experience

About Me

Developer in Glasgow University

As a child, I grew up in the middle east which gave me a natural urge to explore and experience as much as life has to offer. This lead to a number of memorable experiences such as exploring the world, flying planes with the combined cadet force's royal air force, playing squash around Scotland as apart of Tayside and Fife's junior excellence squad, and playing competitive video games in front of tens to thousands of in person and online spectators.

This curiosity also translates into my technical experiences. I love exporing technology and learning all it has to offer, especially with computing. Wether it be front end, back end, design, devops, or anything else, I want to learn all about it. The primary motivation for learning to program is that even small simple programs can have a massive impact on the world. I want to write software which makes a difference to peoples lives, such as automating menial tasks or helping people navigate a difficult important decision. This philosiphy has lead me to work on exciting projects, such as analysing brain waves for emotional analysis on a PHD research project or developing educational games for both the education and commercial sectors.

If you have opportunites, experiences, or advice you would like to share please do get in touch! I would love to hear about it!

Work Experience

Here is my work experience:

Morgan Decker wearing a VR headset Morgan Decker wearing an EEG

Technology Events

Here are some events and courses I have participated in:

lloyds bank logo mthree logo hackathon logo code olympics logo


Here are my personal projects:

a cancara digital prototype QR code current website


And here are my hobbies:

Morgan playing rocket league on stage Morgan recieving a trophy